The Great LiveJournalOutage of 2005 During the outage I had a normal life. What did you do? Brought to you by geek-foo Heh, heh I like this, thank you planet_amy.
So, I go work out again tonight. But, wow I am sore from yoga.. why does yoga hurt more than anything? Is it the stretching? Or is it the concentration? hmmm. I am working a show on Friday night at Eyedrum and the on Saturday night there is a another good show there: NCC showcase:…
First Day! Of the plane and on to the beach.
Well, I got back last week Monday and took about a week to lose the jet lag and readjust to being home. So, finally last night it was back to the gym and felt normal at work. I have posted my holiday journal as backdated, so if curious feel free to read, but the spelling…
bye bye sa
up again to try and go to the market. this time success! we wondered around and colleen bought some glasses and duncan a light cover. next we went to the hardware store and next bayside shopping centre to re-vacuum pack the biltong and get food from woolies for the trip. then home and breakfast then…
bye bye mommy
up up and away we go. up early to go to the market which sadly was very quiet so we came home and ha breakfast. then a nice lazy day around the house consisting of reading and laundry and not doing much at all. very nice and highly recommended. at 4 it was time to…
happy new year
up not so early this morning, but early enough… to give Granny her birthday cake and all sing to her, 80 years old, and 4 off her kids around her and 6 of her grandchildren. we then got in the car and started the drive back to Cape Town. Only one major stop at the…
Elephant cafe
Up early(as usual) and gathered the troops – Reece, Brittany, Courtney and Charlotte and I – and off to the village we marched to get fresh jam donuts. But, sadly when we got there they were not ready, so we wondered off to the elephant cafe – which had internet access – and emailed all…
lagoon and babies
Up early and showering outside and enjoying the peace of 11 people is a hard thing – mommy is mad at me – nothing new, and i settled down to wait for Nick to come pick me up. He arrived at 11 and i went to his house and met his baby – Christopher and…
driving around
aah up and away we go. we got up, ate and left CT on the way to Sedgefield. It was a lovely drive, the first stop was a wine tasting and I bought a bottle of Reisling. Charlotte and I had fun. Next stop was a small farm stall where biltong was purchased and then…
monday monday
up up and away we went for breakfast at the nursery up the road! i had my favourite – toasted bacon and banana sandwich and then pancakes with sugar and cinnamon. yummy. then back home for an afternoon nap. all this at a leisurely walking pace. pretty gardens and houses around colleen’s place. next up…
Boxing Day
What a day from start to finish. Up early and reading then time to clean up room and start packing and laundry. Breakfast was smoked salmon and scrambled eggs – note to self I need to drink more juice. Then more tiding up and I even learnt how to use the fancy washing machine and…
Christmas day!
what a great day. i woke up early to the sound of rain and then later up i got. after getting in the shower Priya and Rhiannon bought us coffee and then downstairs to open presents. i was father christmas this year and got to hand out the presents! everyone did really well. I got:…
well, i did not write last night as i was to tired, and thsi morning was rushed. tonight is christmas eve and we had fun: paella for dinner, brandy pudding for dessert, and then games – pass the grapefoot under the chin, pass the matchbox on the nose and Charades – to much fun, thought…
seas and ships
Another early day and to say goodbye to Brenda and take a bathe – my dad’s house only has a shower in our room. Lance and I then went down to the harbour and to see the “Freelance” a Southeaster was blowing so it was very windy! I got to see around the yacht club…