No Thanks Happy Birthday iknowiona Hope you had a great day and enjoyed every last minute!
hair i.e. pointless entry
Right now I hate my hair! Aaargh! It is really bugging me and I want to go into the bathroom and shave it all off, but at the same time I want long straight hair that is blue, no purple….I have no idea what to do with my hair. Shall I cut it? Shall I…
The most achingly perfect song Joy Division. So I cleaned about half my room yesterday, another half to go and I have a pile of presents for people and a lot of shit to get rid of – either sell or goodwill. I find it hard to get rid of stuff – pack rat –…
Ok my first attempt with making a collage in photo shop last night! I also went to see Paul Van Dyke and sadly had to miss Iron and Wine, to many shows and so little time as usual. I liked PVD but, wow it was crowded, and my allergies necessitated an early departure…But, I am…
Wake up, it is the crack of dawn – 7 am! I cannot breathe or swallow, so I bravely get up, wake the cats and check the pollen count… it is over 5000! high is over 120! aaaargh! Now I really do not want to go outside and go to work. It is supposed to…
putt putt putt phifft
I AmWhich tarot card are you? Well, I did about half the things I wanted to do this weekend, which is a good rate.. The Dogwood Festival was fun. I went with mdaniel and met tinkerboo and Bob, though I was so doped on allergy medicine I did not say much or react much. I…
It is my Mommy’s birthday today, YEAH! I tried to text her at 5:45 in the morning her time, to wake her up…as she always, always texts me at 3 in the morning as she forgets about the time differnce, but she was wise to me and was up already and responded straight away. Foiled…
Feel free to crosspost
So last night I got some of my excess computer stuff listed on Craigslist, please feel free to look and pass on to anyone who might be interested, even crosspost! Stuff to sell. Thank you mdaniel for helping and having the patience to watch me type it all in. Next up I have to list…
stuffin puffin stuff
Well, what a hectic and surreal week or so! The highlights: Contact by two! old friends Rode in a MINI Went to NIN listening party Got new radio/cd player in my car Got Sake for Easter from my sister The lowlights: Rained alot and flooded my basement Allergies are real bad Went to NIN listening…
The 10,000-Pound Parrot By HENRY FOUNTAIN In Rosanne Cash’s country song “My Baby Thinks He’s a Train,” the evidence for the title’s conclusion is compelling. As Ms. Cash writes, “He makes his whistle stop, then he’s gone again.” In Kenya, a 10-year-old elephant named Mlaika seems to think she’s a truck. At least she has…
Sometimes I dream
Sometimes (Lester Piggot) by JAMES There’s a storm outside, and the gap between crack and thunder Crack and thunder, is closing in, is closing in The rain floods gutters, and makes a great sound on the concrete On a flat roof, there’s a boy leaning against the wall of rain Aerial held high, calling “come…
Wow – busy for shows lately. Saturday night I went to see Queens of The Stone Age at Earthlink Live. It is a fine venue for a sold out show as it did not feel to crowded and you could still walk and move around, and even get on the floor. The QOTSA were just…
My japanese name is 中島 Nakashima (center of the island) 三千代 Michiyo (three thousand generations).Take your real japanese name generator! today!Created with Rum and Monkey‘s Name Generator Generator. I often used to wonder when I was young if I would have been a different person if I had, had a different name. I used to…
THE book list – bold those you’ve read – italicise started-but-never-finished – underline those you own but haven’t gotten to yet – add three of your own – post to your livejournal
Grey Day
Daddy Fell Into the Pond Everyone grumbled. The sky was grey. We had nothing to do and nothing to say. We were nearing the end of a dismal day, And then there seemed to be nothing beyond, Then Daddy fell into the pond! And everyone’s face grew merry and bright, And Timothy danced for…