It has been a week of things I wanted to do and say and have not done. Work is annoying right now, and I am feeling a little stuck in a rut. I want to move onward – school and new place – but there are certain things that need to be done first, like…
days drive by!
Yesterday I did almost all my todo list! Plus I managed to go by ULTA and get body cream and hand cream – I am a body cream addict! Book Nook was its usual level of fun, sadly though nothing I wanted to buy, so my credit rolls over another week. I did not clean…
My little Pony
You Are Subversion!You are systematic and secretive. Sometimes even very calculating. Most everyone trusts you but they have no idea what really goes on in your head. You are capable of being nice or mean, whatever a situation calls for. You look out for #1. What Naughty My Little Pony Are You? Today is errrand…
Tablet experiment 1
Polaroid Picture taken by MK Rhodes 6/14/05 I have lightening bugs in my yard, otherwise known to me as ~ fireflies ~ they are so cute, little green buts and all. So last weekend I managed to rearrange my room, and now it feels much more spacious and I even did some writing the other…
Howl’s Moving Castle
June 12, 2005 Where the Wild Things Are: The Miyazaki Menagerie By A. O. SCOTT NOWADAYS, when we think of feature-length animation, our thoughts turn immediately to “Shrek” and Pixar (or less fondly, to “Robots” and “Madagascar”). The animated world, we’ve learned, is round – created in three dimensions by teams of computer wizards and…
I have purple and black hair! and it is short again, aah, bliss. More later.
I got hit on by kittendisdain. List five songs that you are currently digging. It doesn’t matter what genre they are from, whether they have words, or even if they’re any good but they must be songs you’re really enjoying right now. Post these instructions, the artists, and the five songs in your blog. Then…
A Silver Ship
I saw a ship a-sailing…” by Mother Goose I saw a ship a-sailing, A-sailing on the sea; And oh, it was all laden With pretty things for thee! There were comfits in the cabin, And apples in the hold; The sails were made of silk, And the masts were made of gold. The four and…
Star Wars
Store Wars this is funny! I had lunch with Troy today and as usual I came away feeling creative, and like my ideas are worthwhile. He always does that to me, it is the way he listens and expands upon my thoughts. He also gave me a great magazine, all about Chocolate yummy! Finding it…
“do you count the stars, or do you ? at them? The word fails me I had it in my head the other day…I can feel it sliding away from me the more I think about it, so I am scared I am going to lose the entire sentence. I am feeling phrases and pictures…
let us prey
Saturday night I went to a party with teka, now if you know me at all, you would know I am extremely leery of house parties, and now two in two weeks! Well, it was fun, it was a smallish gathering and I knew most the people and I did not feel awkward, so a…
Days go by but still I dream of you
Yesterday was lazy as was today – apart from a brief period of hedge trimming. I need to get/borrow a chainsaw to get the bushes/trees right down. i remember when my weekend and free time seemed to consist of how much I could read, now I am lucky if I get through a book or…
When I hug some people I feel their being flutter within my arms and run up and down me. People wonder why I am not touchy. This came up last night at Spoon . I knew it would be a “peep laden show” i.e lots of people I know from the store and who recognize…