A real update soon, but damn, a floppy? and a dead frog? and all those people who took my candy? you will all get yours! grrrrrr My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haul extyger goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as A Saint. aquaknot gives you 11 red-orange tropical-flavoured gummy worms. bartender371 gives you 6 dark blue watermelon-flavoured wafers. calico…
I played in photoshop today and learnt some new and exciting things: how to make a contact sheet, how to create a slide show, woohoo!
I finished Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman today. It was wonderful, it made me smile, it made me happy and it made me feel good inside. Simple things, but, it plugged into my love of stories. I adore stories, to me they make up people and lives. Now in this delightful rainy weather, I go…
You are a dark chocolate cat! You are dark,mysterious but once a person gets to know you,they realize how sweet you are. What Halloween Food are You? brought to you by Quizilla whoo hoo Well, what is new? I saw Mirrormask and I loved every moment. The detail was superb and I liked the story,…
Poor little elephant, it breaks my heart. Narripi’s short life was plagued with insurmountable obstacles, and today the 4th of October at 4.00pm he slipped into a coma and drew his last breath. He was always a subdued little elephant from the day he arrived but hardly surprising having lost his whole herd one fateful…
I went to this amazing link thanks to shazzamdabran http://www.bl.uk/onlinegallery/ttp/ttpbooks.html and this is what I found
Fun Fair Pictures
rush and a push
as usual the weekend was rush and a blur and me forgetting to update and rehash my week. Thursday night was Sons and Daughters and sadly in my eyes Decemberists – sorry iknowiona. I loved Sons and Daughters very Nick Cave influenced. Then to the Highlander to eat potato skins and then bed. Up early…
late night quizzes as usual
I’m completely down-to-earth! Find your soul type at kelly.moranweb.com. Although the name Victoria creates an interest in the deeper aspects of life, we emphasize that it limits self-expression and friendly congeniality with a moody disposition. This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses…
who will speak for the dead? sleep continues to elude me, i dream of heat and space, then awake here scant moments later. i remember space, the endless nights laden with promise, the cool in the dawn, the dew, and the sounds of forever. i wonder if cities kill us slowly, some great plan unwinding…
watched wallace and gromit the other night, and i love shaun… Which flock do you follow? this quiz was made by alanna saw Dungen play at criminal records today, and they were pretty cool. i think they opened with ‘the girl from ipanema’ in swedish… at least it sounded like that. last week slipped away:…
lj meme thingy etc
LJ Interests meme results current 93:is god! ipod mini:so sad 🙁 it is gone forever marmite:yummy, breakfast food, hangover food nurse with wound:utter bliss orkut:? hmm why? pucca:so cuuute the little prince:one of my all time favourite books. tintin:yes! totoro:Rawr victoria plum:she dresses in flowers, what could be more perfect Enter your LJ user name,…
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