Such funny dreams last night. I dreamt I was rolling and when I woke up, in my dreamstate I was not sure if I was or wasn’t. I later woke up again and heard music and saw flashing lights. I feel like my dreams are more reality than I can stand. I have a house…
New York Times Article on Elephants
I desperately need a copy of Sunday the 8 October’s New York Times magazine. It has a fascinating article on Elephants in it. Please if anyone sees one I need it. Thank you
months go by and i read lj and think about posting but never do. my diary is next to the computer waiting for me to transcribe my trip, the photos are finally downloaded to the computer, but nope, no words came out. life has been to rollercoasterery and busy for my to actually sit down…
Drunk and laughing – am i allowe d to do that? just for you Brandon.
Blade Runner
I was driving along this evening and 88.5 played the theme song from Blade Runner, interspersed with dialogue. Blade Runner is one of my all time favourite movies, ever! And I started thinking about the first time I saw it, back in ’89. I had just moved to America for the first time and was…
For B!
The Saddest Place on Earth: The Art of Camille Rose Garcia
NOW – Yardsale!!!!!
Massive yardsale on Saturday: Children’s Books Other Books Computer Items Tons of Silver Jewelry Candles, Incense Household items Knick Knacks The store we had in east Atlanta closed about 2 years ago, but we still have tons of the inventory. So we thought yardsale! We want everything to go so, it will be priced to…
Imaginary Soundtracks
Underworld – Skym Joy Division – Atmosphere VNV Nation – Rubicon Soviet – China Apoptygma Bezerk – Moment Of Tranquility Tindersticks – House Of Love – Someone’s Got To Love You Spiritualised – Now I’ve Got A Broken Heart Echo and The Bunnymen – Nocturnel Me Starsailor – Poor Misguided Fool Cure – A Few…
Massive Yardsale
Massive yardsale on Saturday: Children’s Books Other Books Computer Items Tons of Silver Jewelry Candles, Incense Household items Knick Knacks The store we had in east Atlanta closed about 2 years ago, but we still have tons of the inventory. So we thought yardsale! We want everything to go so, it will be priced to…
I cannot seem to get my pictures from my camera, my card reader keeps corrupting them, so I am posting quizzes to make me feel better. I will get the pictures, just not as soon as I liked.
ok ok
I made it back safely from Kenya – lots of bruises from jumping off a waterfall… then straight on to Dragon*Con, I will post pictures and write about it all, though now I need sleep and rest.
Second Night
Second night in Kenya, first day and bruised all over. So reassuring to be in Africa, where life is more or less the same. I digress though. The flight as long. From Atlanta to Amsterdam the plane was very full, and uncomfortable. We arrived early in the morning at Schipol Airport, it is a lovely…
Well, I leave today for Kenya and for the first time in a while, I am actually nervous about flying. It is odd normaly it does not bother me, but today I have butterflies. hmmm. to much news. I am going to be gone till Dragon*Con! Then I come back and go straight to D*C!…