15:13 People are morons and annoying. Damn they are stupid when in groups. 17:48 There is a guy in the store wearing: flip flops, cut off shorts, a coat with a fur collar and aviator sun glasses.
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13:04 twitpic.com/x18t – Top of Bear Mountain Pass
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13:25 twitpic.com/wews – House near us on Christmas Day 13:34 twitpic.com/wf3g – Gemma opening her present
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18:14 twitpic.com/w30f – Tea at the Plaza Hotel(Eloise’s Hotel) 18:21 New York looks lovely with the lights and store windows. 23:06 twitpic.com/w7fj – Hanukah candles
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23:22 Off to the EARL for a drink.
Some days have a rhythm that makes them easier to take. cascading water in the shower smelling that great kitty smell first sip of coffee
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10:48 Sigor Ros is the perfect grey morning music. 18:46 @creepi I am sad to hear that.
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16:06 @viannin Glad you liked it. 🙂 22:14 twitpic.com/t00v – Christmas lights
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17:02 Anybody going to Electrohurtz tonight? I think I am going. 22:51 No electrohurtz for me. I am coming down with a cold.:(
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14:14 I wonder if people know that loose tartan pants look like they are wearing pajamas?
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11:32 @slumberjack Winter Holiday? End of Year Drunken Party Time? 12:23 Mmmm coffee on a rainy day, tastes so good.
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13:18 The sun is making a valient effort, but the clouds seem to be winning.
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11:44 @supaluca yummy chicken pies, I want one…
Ha ha I did it twice, before and after and I got the same both times, thanks wilsonodk and aquaknot You Are 88% Goth You are clearly goth. Even if you don’t consider yourself goth, other people do. Let’s face it. You’re a little moodier, darker, and weirder than most people. But that’s okay. You…
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00:05 At Halo. Techno!