13:01 @kazza hope he feels better soon
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17:07 At highlander, time for food! Call or text me if you want to stop by and say hi.
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09:17 Off to breakfast at Murphy’s.
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16:06 I know what a baby shower is about.
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11:34 Wow it really is snowing! Along with the rain. 15:57 Snow day at the ‘facts! Closing at 4:30.
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20:13 @dr0idness awesome, congratulations!
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11:54 Deer Tick on a cold morning make me warm inside.
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12:34 Taking sick kitty to vet 14:51 Kitty fine :), now to find food!
Magazines for sale
I have 15 issues of Orkus Magazine – from 2002 to 2004 – not a complete collection, but all have the CD/DVD if they came with it. I would love to sell them, is there any interest? I would like about $2-$3 a piece, not including shipping. They are all german, and read maybe once,…
So I finally sold my display case, that had been listed on craigslist.org, for a week. The guy is coming to get it tomorrow, and so today I have to empty it out. It is a bigger job than I thought: All those little things need a home, or a place to go…I still need…
Antony and the Johnsons
Last night was a show I have been waiting to see for a while, and almost missed. Antony and the Johnsons played at Variety Palyhouse, and as far as I know it was their first tour and trip down South. I have been a fan since 1996 when Current 93 did a split ep with…
I have seen three movies this year, in the Theatre! A record for me I think. I have seen “Let The Right One In”, “Slumdog Millionaire” and now “Coraline”. I have even liked all three, another record for me. But, I loved Coraline. It is amazingly wonderful. I saw it in 3D and it is…
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12:07 Coconut cupcakes at the ‘facts!
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14:36 Death In June – The Calling, awesome still! Ipod on shuffle and when it came up, my heart leapt. 19:19 @creepi I have the boots and skirt and top in my car, just need to take phoots for you.
So I actually don’t know if I have told everyone or not, but my sister is now 7 months pregnant. It has been an interesting time, she is a little freaked out, a little nervous and as I am going to be Aunty, I am pretty weirded out too. The funny things are how big…