21:14 No a/c at home:( it broke:(.
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01:03 No 80’s night for me, gym wiped me out.
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16:21 Times are hard, santa just sold cds! 22:06 @KiraSjon no, they were ‘da blues’!
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10:38 @lorigami I have been to the goat tower! The goats are funny and territorial.
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13:33 St Finian is fixed! New stick of ‘ram’.
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18:10 Craigslist knows all! Wow! 19:41 Swim training tonight I am actually nervous.
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11:03 Listening to the Nick Cave remasters is like hearing him for the first time. Amazing!
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01:05 My mac book is sick:(. So off to apple store tomorrow morning. 12:15 St Finian has bad ‘ram’ so they need to order some for him, then I will have a happy mac again.
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01:05 My mac book is sick:(. So off to apple store tomorrow morning.
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13:40 @anndr0id my friend Nicole lives there and loves it, she is a dance club girl 🙂 and very social!
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12:30 New Sunno is very beautiful and soothing. 13:19 @scargrrl I am really sorry.
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11:31 @viannin thank you. They make me smile. 11:40 Sitting at Cafe de Sol for brunch. Lovely day out.
Dreams and Birthday Week
Strange dreams last night, all about unforeseen consequences, odd. Filled with branchings off and redoing of things. I wish I could remember more, but even as I type the dreams are slipping away. I did have a fantastic birthday week though :). First up was last week wednesday when Greg A took me to dinner…
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13:58 @heatheeer balance 15:03 At Alon’s chocolate mousse cake and espresso:) 17:21 New shoes! Half price and with butterflies on them. 18:12 twitpic.com/67o67 – New shoes:)