Originally published at Why?. You can comment here or there. Things I have to much of are weird, number one is honey! I have about 8 jars of honey, all different, all wonderful, but who the &@$% needs that much honey? Then sugar I have: brown sugar, raw sugar, white sugar, icing sugar, castor sugar,…
Category: Uncategorized
Smiling face at my feet, waiting to be parked on. #face #atlanta #graffiti #tarmac #eav #morning
Smiling face at my feet, waiting to be parked on. #face #atlanta #graffiti #tarmac #eav #morning
Originally published at Dreaming and Doing. You can comment here or there. Smiling face at my feet, waiting to be parked on. #face #atlanta #graffiti #tarmac #eav #morning
Phone home. #oldfashioned #telephone #squirrel #purple #graffiti #eav #atlanta #morning
Phone home. #oldfashioned #telephone #squirrel #purple #graffiti #eav #atlanta #morning
Phone home. #oldfashioned #telephone #squirrel #purple #graffiti #eav #atlanta #morning
Originally published at Dreaming and Doing. You can comment here or there. Phone home. #oldfashioned #telephone #squirrel #purple #graffiti #eav #atlanta #morning
Originally published at Why?. You can comment here or there. Up at 7:20 this morning to go walking with Andy, funny how it is July and still not a billion degrees here in Atlanta. Normally it would be awful, but lately not to bad, not great, but not awful. I need to get some work…
I think 1996 on my way out to Nocturnia. #tbt #goth #nocturnia #atlanta #leatherjacket #rosary #ballgown #1996 @schreiberianexpress think you were the DJ or @alabasterjuju 🙂
I think 1996 on my way out to Nocturnia. #tbt #goth #nocturnia #atlanta #leatherjacket #rosary #ballgown #1996 @schreiberianexpress think you were the DJ or @alabasterjuju 🙂
Love this look.
Love this look.
Originally published at Dreaming and Doing. You can comment here or there. Love this look.
Tommie Sunshine making the club bounce :-). #tommiesunshine #prive #nightlife #djbooth #fun #atlanta (at Prive Nightclub)