Originally published at Dreaming and Doing. You can comment here or there. Today driving to meet Greg for breakfast, at the unholy hour of 8am!, I was listening to NPR, and there was a brief discussion of Banned Book Week. I knew this was happening and I even wrote very serious paper on it for…
Category: Uncategorized
Elephant ears on my lunch break in a park near #Atlantatechvillage #lunch #Park #elephantear #quickgreeneryfix (at Atlanta Tech Village)
Elephant ears on my lunch break in a park near #Atlantatechvillage #lunch #Park #elephantear #quickgreeneryfix (at Atlanta Tech Village)
Elephant ears on my lunch break in a park near #Atlantatechvillage #lunch #Park #elephantear #quickgreeneryfix (at Atlanta Tech Village)
Originally published at Dreaming and Doing. You can comment here or there. Elephant ears on my lunch break in a park near #Atlantatechvillage #lunch #Park #elephantear #quickgreeneryfix (at Atlanta Tech Village)
We had a talk by John Saddington today encouraging us to be open to possibilities, happenings and our digital presence. Plus I got this adorable picture:
Originally published at Why?. You can comment here or there. We had a talk by John Saddington today encouraging us to be open to possibilities, happenings and our digital presence. Plus I got this adorable picture:
New World
Originally published at Why?. You can comment here or there. So I entered a brand-new world yesterday, I started at The Iron Yard in Atlanta, to learn front end development. What that means, is I am learning to code! Very different to Wax’n’Facts, and whole new group of cohorts.
On the wrong format tiny catapiller! #morning #sightsoutside #stripes #legs #manylegs #catapiller
On the wrong format tiny catapiller! #morning #sightsoutside #stripes #legs #manylegs #catapiller
Originally published at Dreaming and Doing. You can comment here or there. On the wrong format tiny catapiller! #morning #sightsoutside #stripes #legs #manylegs #catapiller
Last day 😞 sad to say goodbye to #waxnfacts but excited to start new chapter in my life. I will miss all my customers and coworkers. #goodbye #records #lastday #atlanta #coworkers (at Wax’n’Facts)
Last day 😞 sad to say goodbye to #waxnfacts but excited to start new chapter in my life. I will miss all my customers and coworkers. #goodbye #records #lastday #atlanta #coworkers (at Wax’n’Facts)
Originally published at Dreaming and Doing. You can comment here or there. Last day 😞 sad to say goodbye to #waxnfacts but excited to start new chapter in my life. I will miss all my customers and coworkers. #goodbye #records #lastday #atlanta #coworkers (at Wax’n’Facts)
Labor Day Weekend and Updates
Originally published at Why?. You can comment here or there. So after my big news last week Instagram Post that I was quitting Wax’n’Facts, I still had Labor day weekend to get through! I had requested off months in advance so my last week was only going to be three days long, but I am…