Beginning of fourth week, @theironyard, feeling better about somethings, worse about others. JavaScript is kicking my butt, but html, css and ajax are all ok. But, I must admit, that haven’t done to much with ajax yet. The good: leaning, really stretching my knowledge and pushing me, focus is so important1 The bad: missing my…
Category: Uncategorized
Originally published at Dreaming and Doing. You can comment here or there. Beginning of fourth week, @theironyard, feeling better about somethings, worse about others. JavaScript is kicking my butt, but html, css and ajax are all ok. But, I must admit, that haven’t done to much with ajax yet. The good: leaning, really stretching my…
I finally saw one of these things! I thought they existed only in movies. But here in #buckhead was one. #oscarmeyer #hotdog #atlanta #lunch #walk (at Atlanta Tech Village)
I finally saw one of these things! I thought they existed only in movies. But here in #buckhead was one. #oscarmeyer #hotdog #atlanta #lunch #walk (at Atlanta Tech Village)
Originally published at Dreaming and Doing. You can comment here or there. I finally saw one of these things! I thought they existed only in movies. But here in #buckhead was one. #oscarmeyer #hotdog #atlanta #lunch #walk (at Atlanta Tech Village)
Hackathon at The Iron Yard
I am spending my weekend learning about how not to work in groups, and what to do. This weekend I was part of a Hackathon at the Iron Yard in Atlanta, and my group was assigned to build a file sharing app, with ease of use, and no limit on space, and the ability to…
Hackathon at The Iron Yard
Originally published at Dreaming and Doing. You can comment here or there. I am spending my weekend learning about how not to work in groups, and what to do. This weekend I was part of a Hackathon at the Iron Yard in Atlanta, and my group was assigned to build a file sharing app, with…
I am now in the middle of week 2 of The Iron Yard and I am not sure I am getting this. I really am feeling out of my depth with JavaScript. Sad, but I am going to slog on. aargh! was originally published on Dreaming and Doing
I am now in the middle of week 2 of The Iron Yard and I am not sure I am getting this. I really am feeling out of my depth with JavaScript. Sad, but I am going to slog on.
Today was butterfly day. Walked past a small clump of flowers teeming with butterflies and bumblebees. #atlanta #theironyard #walk #lunch (at Atlanta Tech Village)
Today was butterfly day. Walked past a small clump of flowers teeming with butterflies and bumblebees. #atlanta #theironyard #walk #lunch (at Atlanta Tech Village)
Originally published at Dreaming and Doing. You can comment here or there. Today was butterfly day. Walked past a small clump of flowers teeming with butterflies and bumblebees. #atlanta #theironyard #walk #lunch (at Atlanta Tech Village)
Morning World
Up early, atThe Ironyard, turned in my homework, and I am slowly grasping CSS, html, I actually knew more than I thought. Plus I learnt git and github, and the power of taking a nap. Not sure why people all leave home at the same time to drive in traffic. Wow! Traffic is not great,…
Morning World
Originally published at Dreaming and Doing. You can comment here or there. Up early, atThe Ironyard, turned in my homework, and I am slowly grasping CSS, html, I actually knew more than I thought. Plus I learnt git and github, and the power of taking a nap. Not sure why people all leave home at…
Banned Book Week
Today driving to meet Greg for breakfast, at the unholy hour of 8am!, I was listening to NPR, and there was a brief discussion of Banned Book Week. I knew this was happening and I even wrote very serious paper on it for my Library Science class last year. I feel incredibly strongly that information…