So the last few months have been really unsettling, as in my normally quiet neighborhood has had a lot going on. I had some friends stay with me, for a month, Black had just gotten out of hospital and needed a place to stay and his girlfriend Tina was going to stay as well to…
Category: Uncategorized
Warm Cinnamon Roll Bites (Tumblr)
nom-food: Individual warm cinnamon roll bites Looks yummy
nom-food: Individual warm cinnamon roll bites Looks yummy Warm Cinnamon Roll Bites (Tumblr) was originally published on Dreaming and Doing
Goodbye Hana Cat
So yesterday I worked from home, my excuse was I slept late, but really I wanted to stay at home and keep an eye on Hana who the last few weeks has been acting stranger, tireder. I did keep an eye on him, and by the time he threw up for the 3 or 4…
Goodbye Hana Cat
So yesterday I worked from home, my excuse was I slept late, but really I wanted to stay at home and keep an eye on Hana who the last few weeks has been acting stranger, tireder. I did keep an eye on him, and by the time he threw up for the 3 or 4…
Today’s made a hard decision and put my 17 year old kitty to sleep. He has been getting sicker and sadder these last few weeks. I loved my Hana cat very much.
Today’s made a hard decision and put my 17 year old kitty to sleep. He has been getting sicker and sadder these last few weeks. I loved my Hana cat very much.
Missed my bus by two minutes. Now I wait another 30 minutes. I wish the busses ran more often. #Marta #commute #morning #station. (at Inman Park / Reynoldstown)
Missed my bus by two minutes. Now I wait another 30 minutes. I wish the busses ran more often. #Marta #commute #morning #station. (at Inman Park / Reynoldstown)
Worst Day Ever
So last Thursday the 2nd of July I had one of the most disastrous days I have ever had! The day started badly and just went downhill continuously, until I ended up in my bed refusing to leave the house. I woke up and my stomach felt odd, not bad, just not hungry which is…
Brilliant #black-eyed #susans near the bus stop on the way to proof bakery. #tooearly #marta #morning #commute (at Inman Park / Reynoldstown)
Brilliant #black-eyed #susans near the bus stop on the way to proof bakery. #tooearly #marta #morning #commute (at Inman Park / Reynoldstown)
Hana Cat
So I have two kitties, Badtz and Hana, they are from the same litter and look very different, but I got them in 1999/8 I think, they were born the 31 May and so that makes them around 16 or 17 years old. Hana is my chunky siamese baby, not super bright but very sweet…
Hana Cat
So I have two kitties, Badtz and Hana, they are from the same litter and look very different, but I got them in 1999/8 I think, they were born the 31 May and so that makes them around 16 or 17 years old. Hana is my chunky siamese baby, not super bright but very sweet…
#marmite I cannot live without you! #breakfast #toast #tooearly.