On Friday night a friend of mine’s, Father passed away. It was something that was going to happen soon but, it still felt too soon. I suppose it always does. I spoke to him and he told me how his Dad was suffering and in pain, his bones starting to get very brittle and break,…
Category: Uncategorized
Sugar, sugar
Aah, sugar! I gave up sugar for Lent and I miss it! It means no candy, no chocolate, no coffee, no sodas, no mochas, no ice-cream and the list goes on and on. I only gave up obvious sugar otherwise it would be no bread!! And that means no toast!(I ♥ toast!) Actually it has…
Who Killed Mr Moonlight
We can’t paint any pictures As the moon had all our brushes. I want to see the Japanese Cherry Tree festival one day. I want to float in a sea of phosphorescence. Some days life feels like it is escaping. I can remember where I was this day 16 years ago. That scares me.
Computer stuff!
“The time has come,” the Walrus said, “To talk of many things: Of shoes–and ships–and sealing-wax– Of cabbages–and kings– And why the sea is boiling hot– And whether pigs have wings.” And me buying a new computer. Well, I wanted to get the least expensive one and still have it do all the things I…
Snow(I am a lemming)
The high winds last night scared me, I didn’t know why until this morning. I grew up in an area famed for it’s lightening and thunderstorms! The Highfeld(where Johannesburg is)is renowned for it’s lightening storms and people actually go there to study them! I went through Atlanta’s Hurricane about 8 years ago, and I was…
Well, in the exciting news in my life, I got my period today. This is really good news as I have not had a full/real period in about 4 months now. You ask yourself how do you define a period? Well, I define one by having a few days(I will settle for 2), of bleeding….
You are Woodstock! Which Peanuts Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla I ♥ Woodstock!
Work stories and more..
Ok I have some questions for the guys out there: Why do guys walk into a store and adjust their balls? Why do guys stick their hands down their pants and adjust themselves when talking to you? Here is the story: Some guy walked in the store in baggy sweat pants, adjusted his balls as…
Heart of Glass What is Your Heart REALLY Made of? brought to you by Quizilla
PINK It is pink.
another night
A modest glow-in-the-dark star never talks to itself. Add a fortune to your website or blog, click here. I went to see Tokyo Godfathers tonight. I was excited as I had read really good reviews and I enjoy a lot of really good Japanese animated movies(not much Manga though). But, I was slightly disapointed. It…
I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles I’m dreaming dreams, I’m scheming schemes, I’m building castles high. They’re born anew, their days are few, Just like a sweet butterfly. And as the daylight is dawning, They come again in the morning! I’m forever blowing bubbles, Pretty bubbles in the air, They fly so high, Nearly reach the sky,…
Dumb things people say 10011102020200
“You are to young to remember vinyl.” Please note I work in a record store, a RECORD STORE! I see records everyday, so unless I go home and forget them, I remember them.
Well, I cannot find a Valentine’s Day meme(or whatever it is called) :(. But, here is something else: The Potion Maker extygerium is an opaque, viscous puce liquid siphoned from the lungs of a hippogriff. Mix with extyger! Username: Yet another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern Please put all results in the comments,…