My geekness is not out of control: 76% GeekMingle2 – Free Online Dating
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Friday was the day mdaniel left. We have been working towards this for about 3 months, but still, it was really hard to see him walk through security at the airport on a one way ticket to Australia. I spent the rest of the day running around: getting my drivers license renewed, getting my emissions…
no idea…
for you?
the warmth of your body next to me your outstreched arm your open hand i watch your half sleep smile i curl closer to you losing myself in your scent settling house noises, creaks and whispers cats paws night calls to wakefulness, assesment i think of night skies i dream of waves sinking into blue…
A lot of thought went into this, but I figured I might as well have nice hotel and a nice holiday:
what i dream about: on demerol tonight for pain 🙁
Friday – I am in love
I wonder how many other days have songs about them? I can think of a few, but no Thursady songs off hand, I am sure google knows all. Pretty strange week for me, Greg’s Mom has been staying with me. And it is Nichole’s bachalorette party tonight then Paul Van Dyke. I was really hoping…
Week in pictures
I have done several fun things: Golem at Smith’s Old Bar, Arcade Fire at Civic Center, Lisa Gerrard at Variety Playhouse, Grapefruit and Rosewater Martinis at Eclipse De Sol. Golem Golem Arcade Fire Me at Arcade Fire Martini! And the nice people at Starbucks gave me a new water bottle:
I love her art so much.
I have been having strange dreams lately, almost linear and very clear. Almost like my dreams are walking me through something. I wake up and am confused I am here, in this life. I went to the Arcade Fire last night, and it was odd. I have not seen a show at the Civic Center…
Up early for me, as off to the Dr for more ideas and painpills hopefully for my back. I am getting tired of my back always hurting :(. I keep thinking it is getting better then I wake up in the morning and it hurts so bad. I did do some fun things though this…
me visually…
Balkan Beat Box plus special guests Golem Wednesday, April 25 $12 advance, doors open @ 8pm Smith’s Olde Bar 1578 Piedmont Ave 404-875-1522 Balkan Beat Box is steeped with an intense lifetime of research into their own non-Western roots as well as other cultures. A quasi-circus event, BBB performs with a core of 6…
Neither the heart cut by a piece of glass in a wasteland of thorns nor the atrocious waters seen in the corners of certain houses, waters like eyelids and eyes can capture your waist in my hands when my heart lifts its oaks towards your unbreakable thread of snow. Nocturnal sugar, spirit of the crowns,…