20:07 In Kakadu National park. Not sure of much else, though saw ‘roos and crocs. 08:22 Off at the crack of dawn to take a one hour flight over Kakadu and hopefully see Jim Jim and Twin Falls. Tweet Tweet
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11:58 Off to go to a Jumping Crocodile Cruise. All coffeed up. 🙂 Tweet Tweet
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12:56 At Emily Gap, looking at stylized drawings of caterpillars on rocks. 17:22 On plane, again:) off to Darwin. Alice Springs was not impressive. Tweet Tweet
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16:48 On road to Alice Springs. No cell service or internet in the Outback. Tweet Tweet
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08:56 Off we go now:) off to Kings Canyon to do a rim walk. I am hoping to see lots of bird life, and plants. Tweet Tweet
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06:44 up up and off to alice springs. 13:55 Landed in Ayers Rock. In the middle of nowhere. Wow. Tweet Tweet
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06:14 Up at the crack of dawn, to leave for Melbourne. 13:57 In Melbourne. And did ‘the edge’. Tweet Tweet
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11:08 Experienced the Australian medical system. Not bad, though they have no idea what the bites are on my wrist. But, it was quick and painless. 11:55 Going to get a hair cut and colour:) woo hoo. Exciting. 16:08 At the MCA. I wanted to see the aboriginal bark paintings. Though it is fascinating, it…
Day 2 and 3
So, Saturday night, after a brief rest it was time to get dressed and go to dinner – or rather “dinnah” as they say here – at a very nice greek fusion place called Civic. It was really fun and interesting, I had the Duck Confit Sour Cherry Pie, it was a starter, but plenty…
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08:44 Up up and away, up way to early, but off to find breakfast, and more flat whites. 18:04 Off to Darling Harbour for ‘dinnah’… Tweet Tweet
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06:53 awake far to early, going to try sleep more. i can see the sunrise! 12:27 On ferry to go to Manly – a beach/suburb in Circular Quay. I can see the Sydney Opera House. 16:39 Ice cream headache from chocolate frappe. Tweet Tweet
Day 2 – I think
So yesterday after updating, it was time to go to dinner, in Newtown, at a place called Hot or Not, it was Thai food. So there was not much I could eat, as I do not eat anything with peanuts, or peanut sauce, so I got a cold calamari salad, that was really good, and…
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00:47 Sitting eating an avocado and beetroot sandwicq and drinking an apple, ginger and carrot fresh juice. No idea of time here, but feel pu … 16:53 awake far to early, going to try sleep more. i can see the sunrise! Tweet Tweet
I am in Australia, and I have no idea what day or time it is… The flight over was really long, though the worst leg was from Atlanta to Los Angeles, loud people and cramped seats, but once in LA all things changed. I got in to the business class lounge and ate all their…
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23:18 Finally relaxing on my way to Australia. Some very loud drunk lady on the plane from Atlanta. 00:30 Sitting in business class lounge, washed face, brushed hair, feel better, but why are people so loud? 01:55 Driving out to the middle of the runway. To walk up a metal and concrete structure, makes me…