10:40 Aargh! Fluffy hair and headed day today. 14:23 Emergency Zyrtec run, I itch so bad. 16:52 Gave up on work and came home sick:(
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12:25 @slumberjack It dries though so no mold, and it does not get all grotty. 13:19 Drinking coffee with a sore throat has its pluses and minuses. 16:46 The downpour and cars whooshing past are very hypnotic. 23:05 has a cold 🙁
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14:13 I am such a geek that I am wearing my National Air and Space Museum t-shirt.
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09:45 Bye DC. It was a too short vacation.
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13:54 Off to play kickcall now. So a learning experience. 13:54 twitpic.com/eqtj – Washington monument, the flags around it are all as half mast. 14:26 Spared kickball as enough people on team. 15:35 twitpic.com/erew – Vietnam memorial wall 18:52 Off to see Nick Cave. 20:57 Oh god Nick Cave in 10 mins:-)
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20:21 Time for Greg A’s party. I am sleepy already.
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11:53 twitpic.com/eciu – Aargh 13:25 What a lot of flags and white buildings in DC. 14:09 twitpic.com/ed8p – Air and Space Museum wow. 16:20 National Gallery of Arts, American Indian Museum (only in and out) and then Dupont Circle. Wow. What a lot in an afternoon. 19:08 Of to theatre, at the Kennedy Centre, the…
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11:32 twitpic.com/e6xs – 18:10 Leaving work:) off to pack for DC. 21:13 On plane, woo hoo DC here I come. 23:59 Going to get into a hot tub.
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12:21 @slumberjack It is really cool looking, plus 7 unreleased tracks. I am missing a few tracks, but i need it, as it looks so pretty. 14:24 @slumberjack It lists for $59, but we should sell it for less, closer to $50. 14:29 Bad back day, but hot chocolate is tasty. 16:13 I got Raconteurs…
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12:58 Starbucks is killing me, more sampling of hot chocolate today. My latte seems so bland and plain in comparison. 16:58 Leaving work early, as it is so quiet. 17:03 Oh oh i found gas on my drive home:) 20:22 @lorigami Sadly I knew that. Are you ok?
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13:59 Forgot to fill up my water bottle after a taste of the new starbucks salted caranel hot chocolate. Wow it is good. 23:34 How does it get so late so quickly?
Purring by Coleman Barks The internet says science is not sure how cats purr, probably a vibration of the whole larynx, unlike what we do when we talk. Less likely, a blood vessel moving across the chest wall. As a child I tried to make every cat I met purr. That was one of the…
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11:52 At a yard sale, any one need patio furniture, a road bike toys, costumes? 740 lakeview drive, 30308! 13:44 Yard sale with bloody mary’s is an excellent idea:) 17:21 Quote of the day ‘So glad I did not go in my purse’.
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13:20 Yummy smoothie at LottaFrutta, mango, passion fruit and orange juice with a banana. 14:27 @kazza It is on Auburn Ave, near Edgewood, it is yummy!
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09:33 thinking about going out 11:51 Why do people talk about religion to me so much? 21:07 Off to see Ratatat at Masquerade. But, waiting for Greg A to get ready.