13:18 The sun is making a valient effort, but the clouds seem to be winning.
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11:44 @supaluca yummy chicken pies, I want one…
Ha ha I did it twice, before and after and I got the same both times, thanks wilsonodk and aquaknot You Are 88% Goth You are clearly goth. Even if you don’t consider yourself goth, other people do. Let’s face it. You’re a little moodier, darker, and weirder than most people. But that’s okay. You…
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00:05 At Halo. Techno!
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11:22 twitpic.com/of2c – Ginger Cake with Poached Pears 13:30 twitpic.com/ogcc – Mini Coffee Cakes with mixed Toffee Nuts
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09:50 Rainy grey day, I do not want to get up.
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20:43 I haz Internetz! Thank you Andreas.
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12:45 Mittens, with detachable tops are so great. 12:51 The new Crooked Fingers is a perfect summer album, it makes me long for drives in the sun.
you are steelblue#4682B4 Your dominant hues are cyan and blue. You like people and enjoy making friends. You’re conservative and like to make sure things make sense before you step into them, especially in relationships. You are curious but respected for your opinions by people who you sometimes wouldn’t even suspect. Your saturation level is…
cupped purple hands holding nights fading embers hidden sounds silent words touching, words fall away
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10:56 @creepi are you ok? 19:17 Off to an art opening at House of Colors. 20:05 twitpic.com/lths – My portrait 22:33 Watching Conner Oberst, he is awesome.
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11:47 Grey day today, but the leaves are stunning yellows and reds.
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15:35 Orange juice and coffee, a special match.
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14:38 Sisters of Mercy , tonight at Variety Playhouse. Who is going? 16:32 Tonight The Sisters of Mercy, at Variety Playhouse. Who is going? 18:25 My twitters are all messed up, grrrrrrrr. 19:45 Yummy salted caramel hot chocolate.
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11:12 @slumberjack No i don’t but our poster is gone too:(