09:25 @reggae those are very funny.
Category: Uncategorized
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00:49 Waiting for late dj.
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23:07 Off to see Funker Vogt, I hope:) 23:37 twitpic.com/3p44i – Funker Vogt.
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10:46 twitpic.com/3cldp – Pandicat 13:45 twitpic.com/3cvm7 – Kittys at Junkman’s Daughter needing a h
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14:31 Woo hoo made it to doctor’s office thanks to my phone’s gps
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13:56 Off to take Andreas and Jessica to the airport. 14:55 twitpic.com/3254c – Lotta Frutta for lunch
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15:54 twitpic.com/30irq – Creepy toys 18:20 Caught a thief! A regular customer.
http://abstractcomics.blogspot.com/ The new Abstract Comics anthology coming out on Fantagraphics 🙂 Congrats to Troy 🙂
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09:35 I bought the @MacHeist 3 Bundle. 12 Top Mac apps worth $900+ for just $39 AND I just got Delicious Library 2 FREE! mhtweet.com/Fd4VDd 16:14 twitpic.com/2tv4d – Mike and Noah
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23:07 @supaluca made me think of Massive Attack – Daydreamer
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14:16 Sister in full labour Noah due in an hour or so. 14:29 Switching to plan B, a C section, as baby can’t get past a certain point. 15:49 Noah is here, safe and sound, and everyone is recovering 🙂 15:50 @heatheeer I used Turbo Tax, nice and easy. 16:34 @dr0idness Thank you 🙂
Noah is here:
Plan B
Charlotte is going to have a C section, as baby can’t seem to move beyond a certain point. So they are prepping her now.
Sitting at Northside Hospital, waiting to hear how things are going. Charlotte is in full labour and baby Noah is due in about an hour. In fulfilling my Mom’s prophecy it is raining today. I am both nervous and excited, and I think Charlotte and Mike are the same. I kinda just want the baby…
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17:41 Sister in hospital, should have baby Noah tomorrow morning!