14:10 Note to customers: don’t ask questions and ignore my answer, repeating the same question gets the same answer.
Category: Uncategorized
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16:23 Quote of the Day: cds are so much better than crack as you can do it more than once. 19:39 At Holy Taco enjoying a frosty beverage:) 23:29 What a night! Cleaned out living room and study in preparating of painting. What a lot of books, cds, records and cat fur I have. 23:37…
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14:45 Note to customers: it is not a competition to see who is the dumbest. 22:28 Ultimations do not make me happy.
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09:37 I have a/c again, oh wow! sleeping so much nicer when cool.
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21:14 No a/c at home:( it broke:(.
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01:03 No 80’s night for me, gym wiped me out.
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16:21 Times are hard, santa just sold cds! 22:06 @KiraSjon no, they were ‘da blues’!
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10:38 @lorigami I have been to the goat tower! The goats are funny and territorial.
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13:33 St Finian is fixed! New stick of ‘ram’.
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18:10 Craigslist knows all! Wow! 19:41 Swim training tonight I am actually nervous.
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11:03 Listening to the Nick Cave remasters is like hearing him for the first time. Amazing!
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01:05 My mac book is sick:(. So off to apple store tomorrow morning. 12:15 St Finian has bad ‘ram’ so they need to order some for him, then I will have a happy mac again.
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01:05 My mac book is sick:(. So off to apple store tomorrow morning.
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13:40 @anndr0id my friend Nicole lives there and loves it, she is a dance club girl 🙂 and very social!
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12:30 New Sunno is very beautiful and soothing. 13:19 @scargrrl I am really sorry.