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Category: Uncategorized
– Posted using Swans! was originally published on Dreaming and Doing
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Free wood
If you have a log splitter, chainsaw etc, come on by and grab some wood. It needs to go.
Bad night of sleep. Bad dreams and woke with fists clenched so hard my arms and wrists hurt. Worst night in a while. Lots of staring at the clock watching the numbers change. Sleep was originally published on Dreaming and Doing
Bad night of sleep. Bad dreams and woke with fists clenched so hard my arms and wrists hurt. Worst night in a while. Lots of staring at the clock watching the numbers change.
Gay Paree 2
Woke up fairly late on day 2, that means 10:30! And also meant time to go find food. The most exciting thing first to happen was I washed my hair. It had been four days since I had had it straightened, and I could not wait to finally wash it, the only problem was I…
Gay Paree 2
Woke up fairly late on day 2, that means 10:30! And also meant time to go find food. The most exciting thing first to happen was I washed my hair. It had been four days since I had had it straightened, and I could not wait to finally wash it, the only problem was I…
Gay Paree 2
Woke up fairly late on day 2, that means 10:30! And also meant time to go find food. The most exciting thing first to happen was I washed my hair. It had been four days since I had had it straightened, and I could not wait to finally wash it, the only problem was I…
Gay Paree 2
Woke up fairly late on day 2, that means 10:30! And also meant time to go find food. The most exciting thing first to happen was I washed my hair. It had been four days since I had had it straightened, and I could not wait to finally wash it, the only problem was I…
Gay Paree 2
Woke up fairly late on day 2, that means 10:30! And also meant time to go find food. The most exciting thing first to happen was I washed my hair. It had been four days since I had had it straightened, and I could not wait to finally wash it, the only problem was I…
Gay Paree :)
I left Sunday night at 8:50pm, and kindly Greg A, gave me a ride to the airport, as conveniently his brother Frank was leaving about 2 hours before for San Francisco. Checking in my luggage was a breeze so we ate and then vroom I was off to security. It was Sunday night, so security…
Gay Paree :)
I left Sunday night at 8:50pm, and kindly Greg A, gave me a ride to the airport, as conveniently his brother Frank was leaving about 2 hours before for San Francisco. Checking in my luggage was a breeze so we ate and then vroom I was off to security. It was Sunday night, so security…
Gay Paree :)
I left Sunday night at 8:50pm, and kindly Greg A, gave me a ride to the airport, as conveniently his brother Frank was leaving about 2 hours before for San Francisco. Checking in my luggage was a breeze so we ate and then vroom I was off to security. It was Sunday night, so security…
I left Sunday night at 8:50pm, and kindly Greg A, gave me a ride to the airport, as conveniently his brother Frank was leaving about 2 hours before for San Francisco. Checking in my luggage was a breeze so we ate and then vroom I was off to security. It was Sunday night, so security…