Author: Saintvictoria
(via Hverfjall Crater Picture – Iceland Wallpaper – National Geographic Photo of the Day) Iceland looking chilly.
Up in East Tennessee near old mines. (Taken with Instagram)
(via The Obama White House (5 Photos) | PDN Photo of the Day) I found this photo the most moving, the president bending down for a little boy to see if their haircuts felt the same.
Falling asleep in my hand after lunch. #kittencoworkers #adorabla #whitepaw (Taken with Instagram at Wax N Facts)
Awake and cuddly. #kittencoworkers (Taken with Instagram at Wax N Facts) was originally published on Dreaming and Doing
Today’s helper at work. A cute four day! old ball of fluff. #kittencoworkers #cute (Taken with Instagram at Wax N Facts)
backonpointe: Back On Pointe’s Lululemon Gift Card Giveaway Want to win a $10 gift card for Lululemon? Well, here’s your chance to save on Lulu’s gorgeous fitness apparel and accessories. Rules on how to enter are on the image above. Details: Giveaway ends October 16, 2012. Do not delete this text from your Reblog. Winner…
Water outside the store. Actually going down now, not lapping at the door. #water #rain #moreland (Taken with Instagram at Wax N Facts)
(via Sip Crunch: Edible Cookie Coffee Cup is a Delicious Dish | Designs & Ideas on Dornob) Yummy! was originally published on Dreaming and Doing
(via Sip Crunch: Edible Cookie Coffee Cup is a Delicious Dish | Designs & Ideas on Dornob) Yummy! was originally published on Dreaming and Doing
To think I started the night off listening Gungham Style… ended with this. Sometimes I wish I could put down into words how my mind works and travels, sometimes I feel I am on the wrong path, or missed a turn. Wumpscut Hang Him Higher Lyrics The breed is dead our children They were our…
Originally published at Why?. You can comment here or there. To think I started the night off listening Gungham Style… ended with this. Sometimes I wish I could put down into words how my mind works and travels, sometimes I feel I am on the wrong path, or missed a turn. Wumpscut Hang Him Higher…
(via 11 Great Posters from when We Used to Care About Wasting Food : Page 11 : TreeHugger)
Look at the cuties