I made a wall of radiohead vinyl:)
Author: Saintvictoria
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to all!
Expectation management.
I was not expecting to be in the ATL for Christmas, and so I had given out presents to my friends and left a few presents behind for my sister and Greg N. I had planned on bringing other stuff for other friends and in general having a very low-key Christmas recovering. Well, all that…
Mocha Mocha Mocha
Yesterday I had my first mocha from Starbucks in over a month, and it was divine! I had forgotten how rich and creamy and satisfying it could be. I immediatly wanted another one – I only drink shorts – and had to still the craving to go back, get another and a slice of gingerbread….
Fruit Cake
Yesterday I took my fruit cake to work and the surroundings, i.e Starbucks, Criminal Records, and it was very warmly received, which means tonight I start soaking more fruit for the next loaf. I also watched Alton Brown make the exact same Fruit Cake last night on Good Eats, and was pleased to see I…
Brr, winter arrived. Which is nice in a way as it makes it feel all Christmasy, but as usual the ‘facts is cold. I was struck yesterday about how far away people are right now, normally I see my friends a fair amount, but lately I seemed to be not going out and wanting to…
Sadly Friday was a bust for getting things done. I spent most the day sleeping and trying to stave of my impending cold. Thanks to roughly 16 hours sleep, I think I managed it! So Saturday I woke bright and early, pulled out recipe books and planned my trip to YDFM (Your Dekalb Farmers Market)….
I came home from work last night feeling terrible, all shaky, dizzy and achey, I was dreading getting sick. Everyone I know seems to have had: the flu, a cold, a sinus infection or just a really bad combo. So I ate toast and soup and went straight to bed. I woke way to early…
So yesterday was my first day back. I was so exhausted after work, I came home, ate and fell straight asleep. It was not that work was hard, but it was so tiring to stand all day, I really need to do something about that. But, being back at work does have its perks…time to…
Back to work today! Kinda odd to be back after all my planning and organizing to be away for so long. But, also really good as I missed all my friends and I really missed my sister, I almost cried when I saw her at the airport. I have caught up on most my laundry,…
Lets101 Quizzes – Blog Quiz
Apart from the worrying and deciding I have been having a lovely time in Cape Town. The weather was perfect Tuesday. Tuesday was spent relaxing, and walking around, near Colleen’s house. We went up to the Paddocks (a small mall), had breakfast at the Mugg and Bean, then found a walk-in Doctor for me, as…
Today is Thursday, Happy Turkey Day all! I was meant to be having the operation today, but…I am not!! Woohoo. I spent an hour and a half with the neurosurgeon on Monday morning, and two days thinking about my options, and decided in the end the risks out weighed the benefits. I learnt a lot…
Monday Morning
It is Monday Morning here is South Africa and I am due at the Doctor to be rated in about 2 hours. To say I slept much would be an understatement. It is not that I am nervous, it is more the waiting that is getting me. Though I do love being in Cape Town…
Ready To Go
So I spent most of last night packing and sorting out clothes, and uploading CDs to my laptop. I am pretty much already to go. I am going to miss my friends and sister unbelievably, but hopefully when I get back all will be so much better. It is funny the things I am worried…