It has been a long couple of days at work lately, Sean is out of town, and so just me most of the day. It has not been the most pleasant few days, as my back has been incredibly sore, and I even missed gym Tuesday night, though I did go Monday night, but only…
Author: Saintvictoria
One orange cupcake with chocolate frosting. They turned out pretty good.
Spring is here! Everything is wonderfully yellow with pollen.
Looking for tinkerboo, contact me!!!
WooHoo! I have electricity again. My power went out Friday night around 9:30/10 and it finally came back on Saturday evening round 11 or so. I slept through most the storm Friday night, and only after I woke up Saturday did I realize how lucky I was. My immediate neighborhood is untouched, but less than…
Finally got Wax’n’Facts record bags. They look really neat, and if you buy one you get a 5% discount on future record purchases. I am really pleased with the way they came out.
Easter is on it’s way.
True sign of Easter:
Max Ehrmann Desiderata Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud…
Feeling a little anti social lately, not much going out to bars, or clubs. The most exciting thing has been going over to Jessica and teka‘s house to watch Twin peaks which I have never seen. It is pretty cool so far, amazing to me it was on network TV. The other exciting thing I…
My Valentine Postbox
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday unrepentant I hope your new year is filled with happiness.
ramble ramble
I wish I could say I was suffering from a case of SAD but today when it was cloudy, I actually finally had enough energy to come home, tidy my house, play with the cats and make dinner. I think I am just exhausted. The last month was a lot, from: Christmas, New Year, worrying,…
Snowing here, soft and light, just gently falling from the sky. Kay Nielsen’s illustration from 12 Dancing Princesses.
Tonight I went to Zuma to eat with Charlotte, the food was good, but the service was terrible, it was very surprising, as normally it is excellent. Afterwards we went down to the Highland Cigar Bar(?) for a extra drink. You could smell the cigars, but it was not smokey in there – very well…
I am sitting on the couch just killing time, thinking of the six million things I should be doing. My house seems very quite now the mdaniel has gone back to Australia. It was great having him here, but now I should do laundry, write all my thank you notes and plan the next weeks…