Spending the night at home tonight, after refusing an offer for Phobia, and an offer for Bazaar, due to a burnt hand, so figured the final update was in order, before it all falls into the mists of time. I should also write emails, and do laundry…. Anyway, day 3 – Sunday at D*C started…
Author: Saintvictoria
Dragon Con Day 2
Such imaginative titles I have for my posts, I should call this one, consumer post. As up, and over to meet teka and Jessica, they kindly helped me lace my corset, and put pigtails in my hair, then we all drove down to Dragon Con together. We had decided to wonder through the Dealer Rooms,…
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18:03 At wedding.
Dragon Con Day 1
Up eventually and I managed to start some laundry, and eat some breakfast before I went back Down Town with teka. I directed him to the right line and then wandered off to look at the band tables – Abney Park looks interesting, Paul Mercer is always nice, Ego Likeness seem ok – and then…
Pre Dragon Con
Yesterday around 4 I started to feel in the Holiday Mood. I was getting excited for Dragon*Con. After work I rushed off to gym and did a hard weight work out, it is amazing the difference gym has made in me. I feel stronger and finally after 7 months am seeing a serious difference in…
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12:04 The sun is out and the heat is back 🙁 22:24 Got badge:) parties are starting as is drinking.
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11:06 It is a monkey’s wedding, the sun is shining and it is raining.
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11:29 Off to get my treat, a facial! Sometimes you just need to be nice to yourself.
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23:18 I played with a cute puppy, now I smell like puppy.
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00:11 @lorigami I might have some help, email me.
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09:53 @supaluca why?
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10:47 ‘The Swans – The Burning World’ still tears me up inside.
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20:41 Off to meet my sister for a cocktail.
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19:25 Someone put a red carnation on my car. 20:08 Quote of the day ‘ That bandana is so scene.’
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10:27 dreading work as Isaac Hayes’s death means lots of customers wanting his music – dead person syndrome.