11:52 At a yard sale, any one need patio furniture, a road bike toys, costumes? 740 lakeview drive, 30308! 13:44 Yard sale with bloody mary’s is an excellent idea:) 17:21 Quote of the day ‘So glad I did not go in my purse’.
Author: Saintvictoria
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13:20 Yummy smoothie at LottaFrutta, mango, passion fruit and orange juice with a banana. 14:27 @kazza It is on Auburn Ave, near Edgewood, it is yummy!
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09:33 thinking about going out 11:51 Why do people talk about religion to me so much? 21:07 Off to see Ratatat at Masquerade. But, waiting for Greg A to get ready.
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17:13 Gogol Bordello tonight at Variety Playhouse. Woohoo! 18:00 @lorigami Damn, i am out of town that weekend:(
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12:26 @lorigami The shell at Moreland and Mcpherson has gas. 12:28 @slumberjack Took me a week to learn to go without sugar in my coffee. It is still hard though two months later.
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16:59 @lorigami Sending you good vibes. You have been in my thoughts all day. 23:18 @teka tell me more about these lectures!
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09:36 twitpic.com/cl7j – Testing 11:43 Caught i squirrel trying to bury a nut in my back door steps. They are concrete steps… 22:13 Time to watch Flight of the Conchords.
Selling Stuff
I have a few things on Craigslist for sale: Micro Moog Motorola Golden Voice Turntable Vacuum Cleaner Thanks for looking 🙂
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13:49 Quote of the day ‘Denmark is in West Germany.’
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10:56 Don’t want to in to work, after the bully yesterday. 17:11 What do scorpions eat? 17:26 Where are ferrets native too? 19:07 Woo hoo i got the new James cd. 21:32 Off to see Mogwai.
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23:10 @kazza hope you feel better soon.
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12:38 @viannin Ha ha i went to the dentist yesterday too and got a blue toothbrush.
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11:35 off to work, damn, the weekend flies. 12:32 Just saw a MARTA bus driver getting hell from a cop.