08:50 @kazza I am here, for you, just tell me when. 11:16 Gym first thing on a cold, windy Monday is hard work. My latte is now calling me as a reward, i will have a double. 18:59 My credit card has been used in fraud. Damn damn.
Author: Saintvictoria
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15:42 Ah Joey Satriani fans and Mountain fans all in one day, makes my head want to explode. 17:17 I have free tickets and VIP passes to the Jim Rose at the loft Thursday 30 october. Text or call me if you want them. 23:06 @creepi I have some boxes at work, wish I could…
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11:22 @kazza are you moving, again? or just cleaning up?
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17:20 Off to pick Brandon up.
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13:20 Such a lovely day today, crisp air, blue skies, if only i were not working. 13:59 twitpic.com/hl9u – For Nathan, in the window at work.
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15:55 I have free ting ting tickets to give away text me or reply if you would like some. 16:35 @slumberjack How many? 17:05 @slumberjack No problem. I have a stack. 17:18 @slumberjack Yes, they play Thursday, i will have the tickets stashed for you.
My grandpa died today
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10:19 Brrr autumn is here. 11:15 Time for coffee, mmmm.
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19:32 @kazza Big hugs to you.
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10:22 Words are very unnecessary, they can only do harm. I love depeche mode 17:31 Testing ping.fm
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12:26 Book Nook always makes me happy, plus the rain means today is a day for frothy hot chocolate and books. 15:31 damn migraine ruining my rainy day 🙁
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10:55 @lorigami What happened now? 20:57 Damn gym is hard work. Now shower and home to figure out dinner.
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12:47 aah the joy of coffee. 16:20 I am looking forward to the lecture tonight by Jared Diamond.
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09:21 The economic crisis is petty by comparison to the nature crunch. But they have the same cause. 12:26 @lorigami Ask for a different type, I had to switch several times till I found one I was happy with, Demerol worked for me. 19:20 Moonrise makes me yearn for a pen and paper.
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17:09 There is a guy with USB symbols tattood behind his ears, in the store.