Yesterday around 4 I started to feel in the Holiday Mood. I was getting excited for Dragon*Con. After work I rushed off to gym and did a hard weight work out, it is amazing the difference gym has made in me. I feel stronger and finally after 7 months am seeing a serious difference in my body. After my workout it was off to pick up my badge. I only got a little turned around downtown, but soon found my favourite parking area, and went off to join the extremely long line. I was shocked how long it was at 9:15, and felt for the people who were working registration inside as outside seemed very disorganized.
I found my friend Tim in line, and hung out with him, and started chatting with the people around me: Paul, and two Liz’s – I think, and Tim met a fellow Star Wars enthusiast, it was pretty funny hearing them compare toys…
Once we got inside the hall things went pretty quick, in all it took me a little over an hour to get my badge. I then wandered up to the Hyatt Bar and saw some more people I knew and then back home to feed kitties and eat myself.
As I sat down to eat teka and Jessica came over to borrow some of my clothes for the weekend. I had fun putting my clothes on Jessica, she looked amazing in them – more incentive for me to stay at the gym – and she got a pile to work with this weekend. Then it was bed time, I was exhausted 🙂
I have several costumes I want to wear over the weekend, plus a wedding to attend Sunday night, so plans are looking good. See everyone there 🙂