Sadly Friday was a bust for getting things done. I spent most the day sleeping and trying to stave of my impending cold. Thanks to roughly 16 hours sleep, I think I managed it!
So Saturday I woke bright and early, pulled out recipe books and planned my trip to YDFM (Your Dekalb Farmers Market). I decided to make Ginger and Molasses Cookies, Fruit Cake from Alton Brown, and Cranberry Creme Brulee. So off I went and met Greg A there, and we had coffee and cake and chatted and then the big shop. It amazes me how much more my grocery bill is when I am baking, double last weeks! Ouch!
I came home, started soaking the fruit in rum, for the Fruit Cake, and began making the cranberry syrup for the Creme Brulee. Well, I now have 8(!) eggs whites in my fridge, and I sweated blood over the custard sauce, but the little Creme Brulees, looked just like the picture! WooHoo! Then I packed up 4 of them – I made 8, and drove over to Charlotte’s House.
Once at Charlotte’s house I peeked at dinner – Lamb Shanks from the Naked Chef first cookbook, yummy, then off to find a Christmas Tree. Our first stop was Home Depot, and our first pick was perfect, lashed to the roof a quick stop at Whole Foods for Demerara Sugar, which was needed to make the tops of the creme brulees crunchy. And we also picked up a couple of bottles of wine. Back at Charlotte’s house we set up the tree, ate and then decorated the tree. It looked wonderful! Then I broiled the tops of my Creme Brulees, and dessert was had. It was good, but a little too sweet I thought. Next time I will not add sugar to the cranberries so as to have the contrasting tart flavour.
Home to bed, and some sleepy cats.