So yesterday was my first day back. I was so exhausted after work, I came home, ate and fell straight asleep. It was not that work was hard, but it was so tiring to stand all day, I really need to do something about that.
But, being back at work does have its perks…time to order new CDs and LPs, and hopefully a 7″ or 2. Plus I have my new and wonderful Wax’n’Facts shirts to look at, plus the 6 dozen(!) 688 shirts that are lurking about. Ouch! Who orders 6 dozen of a T shirt design???
It was nice to say to all my friends who came by and chatted and it was nice to have one of the busiest days in a long time on my first day back. But, sometimes I want a little more, like something a little more challenging, and so, I intend to go back to college, this coming year. The first problem is what the hell to study, and then how to fit it all into my life. So I figure I better find out about aptitude testing and fees first and work from there.
While in SA people kept suggesting I do a catering business for cakes and desserts, obviously they had not seen my failures, and plus I do not want to ruin my love of baking by doing it full-time and on demand. But, what would I do? I like the idea of Industrial Design, but, I also like the idea of Library Science. Hmmm. Advice?