I swam yesterday for 20 minutes, just laps. I think I could have swam more, but my back was sore and I did not want to aggravate it. It seems such a fine line between trying to get fitter and not over exerting yourself.
I came home and cooked “purple barley” wow, it is yummy, but takes a long time to cook, I figured out how to do it it the rice cooker, and it took about 45 mins or so, nice and grainy. I read an interesting article on how people tend to only eat rice and wheat as a grain and forget about all the other grains out there and we rob our body of trace nutrients by doing this. So I decided to expand my grain horizon. I want to try eating rye, but we shall see, first I will experiment with the different types of barley.
I am taking the left over barley to work in a salad with cucumber and tomatoes and balsamic vingairette.
note: A list of edible seeds!
Today is free Ben and Jerry Ice Cream cone day, I am working 12 – 8 so I will miss it. Some one eat one for me :).