I did pretty much nothing. I slept an awful lot, and read, and slept and lay around. My back hurt continuously from Friday all the way till today, so in other words it still hurts. I took a bunch of painpills, just to make it bearable and then slept. The pills make my world kind of fuzzy and mdaniel informs me I chatted away, but made no sense. I also apparently talk to the birds at 6 am, when doped up.
Back at work now, and I have tons of new music I like already:
Coco Rosie
The Knife
Shearwater reissue
Arcade Fire
For now, I heard the new Stooges (steaming pile of shite), I have not heard the new Throbbing Gristle, I love the Grinderman CD, I liked the VNV Nation. Just playing catch up really.
The only show I am planning for seriously is Golem at Smith’s Olde Bar, and maybe Lisa Gerrard, at Variety Playhouse. I know there are other cool shows, but the effort involved in standing is a little much right now.