Well today and the last week and a bit has sped past.
Thank you everyone for the well wishes and caring for my Grampa. He actually woke up and went home on Thursday! He is going to need a walker for a bit, and then they will see, but he is ok, just confused my Mom says.
Last weekend I went up to the M state – Minnesota, and saw a old friend of mine, and ex boyfriend to be exact. It was great seeing him. We went to the Mall of America and rode the rollercoaster and then went and drank and as usual Gavin was more tired than me!
Back home and Easter Sunday was work as was the rest of the week. My one day off I spent searching for a facet for my bathroom. Sadly it is obsolete, so the plumber comes tomorrow and of he cannot fix my facet, I will have to replace it and the sink. This is due to the fact that the sink is so old they do not make fixtures for it. Damn Damn. All because a tap leaks.
Also tomorrow I am having a belated Easter dinner/lunch. It is the first serious meal I have cooked in a while – for people. A couple of years back my sister and our friend Alan and I had a rotating dinner going. It was a great time to hang out, cook and just be with friends. Sadly Alan moved and so it fell apart.
Well, tomorrow I am having people over: Charlotte and her fiancee, Teka, tinkerboo, mdaniel, and Milton and his wife Karen. and maybe another friend of my sister’s. I am making roast lamb, and the Bunny Cake, and roast potatoes. Charlotte is doing the sides and everyone else is Wine and Beer. I am pretty happy about this.
I am looking forward to moving this year and being able to have people over more! My most exciting idea – to me – is to have an all girl brunch one weekend. There would be Mimosas, Waffles and Fruit Salad. I really hope I get to do this soon.