You know it is a relaxing morning when you have to walk around your fat fuzzies sprawled out in the sun. They look up at you and ignore you as you try navigate the pathway between them on the way to the kitchen. Sometimes I think cats are most definitley solar relaxed. I used to think they lay in the sun so they could have energy to rum around at night and torment me, now I think the sun is my friend, it calms them and sucks the energy out of them – I hope.
I went to the Georgia Aquarium on friday and it was amazing! The whales are awesome, the penguins are cute, the fish bright and active, and the jellyfish, just so fragile. The octopus exhibit was closed, as they felt he was getting stressed by the amount of people – so that was ok. I took a billion photos I need to look up and wonder at the blurry colours knowing me. But, if anyone ever goes to a party in the aquarium and does not call me and I will be very sad.
This weekend I am going to the Dogwood festival, and Das Bunker, plus I have a show to work on Sunday evening – Robert Rich at Eyedrum. So even with two days off, life seems very full.
I am not doing easter this year on easter weekend, as I will be out of town on the friday and saturday, but work sunday, so the next weekend will be easter – I hope. I will be making another Bunny Cake and Roasted Lamb, my sister gets the rest of the food jobs.