So I got my car washed yesterday and today it rains…hmmm. I actually had one of those weekends where I got most everything done.
- car oil changed
- sold cds to BookNook
- got nails done – french manicure and red toes
- debated having tires patched as two nails in each back one,decided against
- saw Strofoam
- went to Das Bunker
- shopped for Thanksgiving meal
- went to target
- folded laundry
things I did not get done:
- write to mommy
- upload photos from wedding I went to and Halloween
- practice making molten chocolate cakes
Not to bad!
The exciting thing that did happen was I went to see the new Harry Potter at midnight on Thursday. Thanks to tinkerboo for organizing it, it was fabulous. I loved the movie, and now want to go to more opening midnight movie showings…“The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe” anyone?