Well, I got back last week Monday and took about a week to lose the jet lag and readjust to being home. So, finally last night it was back to the gym and felt normal at work.
I have posted my holiday journal as backdated, so if curious feel free to read, but the spelling and grammar and punctuation are awful so no comments on that.
tinkerboo enjoy your day back at school.
hello_robotLemony Snicket!
juniperstreet i am there with you in trying to go back to the gym, aah it is hard!
desidjm good luck on the no smoking, my sister gave up the day we flew home, and stuck to it. When do you leave?
I am glad to be home in ATL but, I miss me home a lot. I was even thinking of how I could move back there when I was there, scary thought that.
I am still working on my New Year’s resolutions, but will post them, so it is easier to stick to them and the top 20 is still coming this week.