Another early day and to say goodbye to Brenda and take a bathe – my dad’s house only has a shower in our room. Lance and I then went down to the harbour and to see the “Freelance” a Southeaster was blowing so it was very windy! I got to see around the yacht club and then back to Jakklesfontein. Once home I went to lie in the sun and even took a dip in the pool and learnt I can open my eyes under water in a salt pool. It was wonderful so relaxing to have no plans and be completely free. We watched porpoises and whales play in the waves, and even when Lance was driving me back we saw Duiker, so cute! He was just standing at the side of the road watching us drive up.
After lunch we all piled in the van/mutata and drove down to the V&A Waterfront. It was packed and so i found 3 CDs and some small gifts for Pria and Charlotte bought mommy more angels. We then met up with the others and went and had very weak drinks, and so then moved to a fish place inside and had oysters and fish and sushi. I had carpenter fish(otherwise known as silver fish) the food was great.
On the drive home I fell asleep and so it was straight to bed for me.
As much as I love CT I could never live her – to slow and way to quiet, sad really, it is so beautiful. I love the lifestyle and the view wow.