A grey day, what a perfect day. I love overcast days, they make me feel all things are possible – sun, rain and rainbows and clouds, so much fun.
The Cure first thing in the morning is like a bit of heaven… This last week has been one of the most stressful I have had, even music was not making me feel better, but, now I can wake up and say there is nothing I can do and so let it go. Actually make that the last 2 weeks!
- sick Hana Cat
- banking problems
- more banking problems so bounced cheques
- going to Social Security and leaving as the line is outrageous
- going back to Social Security to change my name
- having SS take away my SS card!
- therefore my driver’s license is suspended
- going to fetch my camera from Airbourne/DHL and it not being there
- going back to DHL/Airbourne and having to wait 45 mins for them to find camera
- camera not being fully fixed
The suspended drivers license is because the name on my SS card and DL do not match, so I went to change it and instead of just updating their records with my new info – I have the name I use on my Green Card and DL and Marriage Certificate, so I have all the documents they require. They decide they need to verify all this with INS and so I do not get a letter as I am merely an Alien and I lose my SS card, which means the State of Georgia _ which started the whole thing by requiring matching names – automatically suspends my DL!
Happy list.
- Hana Cat is better
- sorted out the banking
- nothing I can do about SS and DL till tuesday
- Sunflowers
- I have a D*C to attend for the first time, and it is free and I am helping out a friend
- The starbucks people in Little Five Points saw how upset I was and I got a free Mocha
- I got a new corset
I am out!