Today is Shrove Tuesday or as american’s say “fat tuesday” which seems weird but it is pancake day! Yesterday, before I left work I made some crepe batter and so first thing this morning on getting in, I made crepes! Tasty crepes with sugar and cinnamon and lemon. It seemed to make my co-workers happy.
Next on todays agenda while awaiting many many call backs I am making lunch: roast chicken, potatoes, carrots and broccoli. This is one of the joys of working out of an office in a house, a full kitchen! Normally I don’t cook this much, but I just have the urge this week.
Sun is out here in SF which is absolutely lovely, everything is super green and pretty, tons of blooms on all the trees and the skies are that magical blue you see in movies.
Oh yeah, movies, as usual I did not watch the Oscars, but read about them after and saw the fashion after – Janelle Monae is flawless! I love her look. But, on a weirder note I saw the animated shorts and although Piper was an incredible short, it was not nearly as interesting as Pear Cider and Cigarettes. Piper’s look was truly fantastic, the water swirling and waves looked real. But, the story was very Pixar, cute, sweet, funny and adorable, I want more out of the animated shorts after seeing in the previous years what could be e.g. Bear Story.
I also did not want Zootopea to win, is was just a very typical movie, maybe Kubo or The Red Turtle? That would have been nice. Next time.
Shrove Tuesday was originally published on Dreaming and Doing