I have been in San Francisco a week and a day tonight. And what a month the last month has been. Firstly I got two jobs in July. One was an internship helping a community manager at a code school. It was unpaid, but an interesting insight into what a community manager does and does not do, and the expectations placed upon them. the second job I was really starting to enjoy, it was at Mint Salon in midtown. I was the receptionist and I really enjoyed it, as I liked the people, and, enjoyed the interaction with ‘clients’ as salon customers are called. It had some room for advancement, not a lot, but a little and I got free haircuts and discounted services!
But, then I saw a job listing on facebook, from Danny and the job sounded right up my alley, the only problem was it was in San Francisco, so I applied, interviewed and got it! I then asked Matthew very nicely if I could stay with him and figure out whether the job and I were a good fit and I liked moving so far so suddenly, and boom with two weeks I was on a plane to SF!
The job is a good fit so far, right now I am an administrative assitant at a start up, and also a personal assistant to the two co founders, and I am enjoying the challenge and dealing with all the problems. I am still finding my feet and seeing what is expected of me. But, I am going to Manchester – England, for a convention, and maybe Miami as well later this year. And I am enjoying bits of SF. The no car is awesome, public transport FTW! And I love the tempreture – I should have bought more light jackets with me. It is an expensive city though, just food is expensive. But, I went to the local farmers market on the square and got super fresh veggies and fruit. And I am walking a ton, and sleeping well, after walking roughly 3 miles or so a day on hills. My goal is to walk more, but I catch the bus to work, as I can’t face walking it in the morning.
My other goal is to leave in time to get coffee in the morning, right now, I just can’t seem to get the timing right. Oh yeah, I now know about meetings, a lot of meetings, which is new to me.
I treated myself last week and went to The Exploratorium, as the Theo Jansen’s Strandbeest’s were there which I adore. It was magical seeing them move and up close and reading all the details about them.
On my way back home I saw the most marvelous sight, the full moon just over the bridge:
A week and a day was originally published on Dreaming and Doing