So yesterday I worked from home, my excuse was I slept late, but really I wanted to stay at home and keep an eye on Hana who the last few weeks has been acting stranger, tireder. I did keep an eye on him, and by the time he threw up for the 3 or 4 time I knew he needed to go to the vet. So I made an appointment and at 3:30 we were there.
The ride over he did not do his normal yowl, the pierces ear drums and makes me feel I am killing him, it was just whimper sounds. Once there, he didn’t explore or even act interested in his surroundings, another red flag.
So me and the vet talked, he had lost 5 pounds! Which meant he only weighed 10.5 pounds, which is way down from his high of 17 pounds. He has not been eating, he is crying at night, crying when going to the litter box and also making little oomph noises when jumping down from the chairs. She said we could start him on kidney meds, but he would not get better, just slow the decline, and he would have to visit the vet regularly.
I then serious thought about his quality of life, he likes food, but not eating, he likes looking out the window, not doing it, he likes cuddling with his brother, Badtz, not doing it, he was just hiding in his hole and sleeping. So with much heartache I decided it was his time to leave. I felt awful, awful, awful. I got to hold him while the vet sedated him, and he just relaxed in my arms, and by the time the next injection came I felt he had passed already.
I stayed with him about an hour, stroking him and making sure he knew he was my beloved kitty cat, I wrapped him in a towel so he would not be cold, and drove home.
Badtz was not happy, he followed me around and cuddled me and would not leave me alone, I think he misses his brother, and I do too.
It has been almost 4 years to the day since I lost PandiCat, 22/7/2011, so in a way I feel I am reliving that month.
Badtz and Hana were litter mates, brothers who had never been apart, I have had them 17 years almost exactly, I know they were born the 31 of May, and we got them at 8 weeks old.
I will never, ever be able to express how horrifically sad I am/was both times. It’s not only the huge kitty shaped holes in our lives, but that you have to experience something no one should ever be asked to do, and you’ve had to go through it twice.
The only comfort I know to offer is that you gave 110% for them both and I don’t think either one could have asked for a more loving home. Hopefully all the purrs and drools and cold paws reflect that they knew you cared for them and they trusted you to make the right decisions. We all trust in you, and I hope that is comforting as well.
I want to do anything so that you feel that you don’t have to bear this grief alone.
Ahh my dearest girl child wish I was there to cuddle you and Badtz