It is that magical time of year, the weather is cool, the air is crisp (even in Atlanta) and the trees are beautiful. Plus I get to dress up tomorrow and maybe even sleep late as well. Kindly, Tim gave us a light weekend of homework, just build a backbone.js app and deploy it to githib (ooh did I mention I got a github sticker!!), and update my blog was part two of homework. That I do try do on a regular basis as I like seeing the steps I am taking.
Going back a few years I can see huge strides. I got my associates degree in Library Science, I have seriously gotten rid of tons of stuff in my house, I am eating better, I dropped the menu plan, as after a while the thought process was ingrained. I have gone back and forth on working out, but I discovered I enjoyed it. I cut down my internet time, from just surfing to using it as a tool for information, and not just mindless surfing, and I read a ton more, thanks to Kindle, Oyster and iBooks. It is not that I was not reading, it was just I had gotten into a rut and stopped trying new books and Authors.
Reflecting on the last six weeks of The Iron Yard and I am amazed at how far I have come, at times I feel like I know nothing, and then at other times things just click. I love CSS and I love designing a layout and then seeing it come to life on my page, and making it move and work just makes me outstandingly happy, but the thing I am really happy about seems to be working with APIs and backbone.js. The possibilities startle me and excite me, just two days of backbone.js and already I have an idea for a final project.
We had a talk on Thursday from a UX designer – Jared Caldwell(@jaredcaldwell on twitter) and I have thought about UX as I enjoy human computer interaction psychology, but I know I am not an amazing designer, and I have no art background, like so many UX people I have talked to. But he talked about research and looking through data, and studying different habits and cultures to see why things work and why they don’t across the board, and that really struck a note with me.
Though six weeks in I really can’t say which direction I want to go in, everything is exciting and scary and hard right now, but I feel like I am stretching my brain every day and expanding my knowledge base which is never a bad thing. Sometimes I feel like I was living in this other world and have stepped through a door and now see things differently. It is pretty amazing.
Happy Halloween! was originally published on Dreaming and Doing