Today I did one of the hardest things I have ever done, I held my kitty cat while the vet ” put him to sleep”. Nothing in my life had ever prepared me for that. The slowing down, of him, the urge he had to curl up but couldn’t and the absolute knowledge he was gone.
I had Pandi-cat 12 years, he lasted longer than most relationships, he came to me a baby kitten, all tummy, and crumpled ears. His eyes were still hematite coloured when I got him, I bottled fed him, rubbed his tummy to make him pee, carried him with me everywhere for weeks, so he would be warm, loved and fed every four hours. As he grew, and grew, got chunky and purry he was always my baby. He sat on the edge of the bath when I bathed, he followed me around, he curled up on top of me in summer, and winter, he bit people who touched his tummy, he purred loudly, he knocked over coffee cups, singed his whiskers on candles, ate my flowers, loudly meowed for food all in all he was my kitty cat.
His going means my house will be cleaner, quieter and lonelier, his going leaves my life emptier. I am thankful I rescued him, and I am thankful he lived far longer than an abandoned kitten could ever have hoped. He added joy, love, and happiness to my life, along with poop, fur, white whiskers, noise and irrepressible curiosity.
I love you Pandi.