Day two started off really early as Matthew woke up at 4:30 to write his mid-term, I slept through most of it, only rousing slightly, and eventually to head off to get food when he was finished. Breakfast was the same as yesterday though Sheridan – a grand poobah – from GW joined us. After breakfast I headed off back into the city. Today was colder and greyer with drizzle.
But, the for me the sun came out when I got to Revolver Distribution in the Mission area. It was a huge warehouse filled with records…and yeah CDs as well. It was wonderful. First off Mike and I went and got great espresso, and discussed the finer points of pulling espresso with the “barista” at this really cool little coffee shop, then back to the warehouse. Once back I met everyone and then got to pull records 🙂 🙂 :). It was great, just going through and filling a box for work of all these things we never order or think about ordering but seeing them makes it so much more interesting. I spent a little over an hour or so doing that, then goodbye and back to BART, and down to the SFMoma area to meet Frank (Greg’s Brother) for lunch.
It was pretty funny as I could not imagine an Adamson being late, and he was right on time, 1 pm on the dot! We ate at a place called The Grove and it was pretty tasty, and the had awesome orange juice. The hour flew by and then I was off to the actual SFMoma, and he was off to go suit shopping.
The SFMoma was a discounted price as two floors were under installation, but I was pretty excited about the Paul Klee prints section and then the Rothko:

The other display I really liked was the Olivertti Typewriters:

After the actual museum I spent some time in the store, mainly trying to decide which books to buy for Noah and Kay and Walter’s baby – Newman. On my walk back to the BART I passed a cool looking liquor store called Cask, and so I stopped in to see what it was all about. It was about Whiskey, Scotch, Rye and Tequila, all fancy “one note” and “handmade small batches”. I could not resist and so bought a very cool looking “smokey”,”peaty”,”sweet” whiskey to try.
Back to the hotel and then to dinner at a Peruvian place in San Mateo called “Wasiiki” which was great food! Now to bed to get up at 6 am!
San Francisco Again 🙂 was originally published on Dreaming and Doing