So last night I left The ATL, for San Francisco, as usual I think my cat could run an airline better than Delta does. First off a gate and terminal change about 20 minutes before boarding, then due to genius on their side they reset everyone. So families were carping about seat reassignments etc. Anyway, the flight got in early and eventually the luggage came out 🙂 .
I then caught a taxi to the hotel and was super impressed with the california king sized bed, and by 2 am SF time I was asleep. Up at 6:30 or maybe 7:30 for breakfast – standard hotel buffet stuffs, and then I set about crafting my excursion into the city proper (I am actually staying in Foster City). It is a fairly simple job:
First you catch hotel shuttle to airport
Second you find BART
Third you catch BART
I arrived at Powell Street Station just after 11, and met my friend Free who I have not seen in over ten years! It was great, first up was a double espresso then some talking, a brief foray into Hot Topic, and then a bus trip to Haight.
Aaah Haight, the home of Amoeba Records, John Fluevog Shoes and the loss of my self control with spending money. Luckily I cannot justify most the prices at Amoeba – they want outrageous money on some stuff, but found a few 7″s and a record all for under $30! Then to the Fluevog store….
boots oh boots how I want thee:

. I did not succumb, instead I got these:

Then I found a really cute robot, monster store similar to Kid Robot, but waay cooler called Super7. Then some walking and a bus ride, and a little more walking I found the SFMoma, and a BART station to make it back to the Hotel. Took little over an hour to get back, due the President been in town and blocking traffic for the shuttle, but the train was easy enough 🙂
San Francisco was originally published on Dreaming and Doing