I am sitting on the couch just killing time, thinking of the six million things I should be doing. My house seems very quite now the mdaniel has gone back to Australia. It was great having him here, but now I should do laundry, write all my thank you notes and plan the next weeks meals. I think I am still in holiday mode is the problem. I have not made any resolutions yet, sorta, I have most the same ones I make every year:
- Clean out my junk.
- Take better care of myself.
- Lose some weight.
- Try not procrastinate.
Which in some way I suppose are everyone’s resolutions. But to get more specific I should say:
- Go to the gym 3 times a week.
- Not eat sugar or diary.
- Sell more of my stuff on eBay, have at least 3 more yard-sales.
- And go back to school.
Seeing them written down scares me, as I am not sure how they are going to be accomplished, but starting, as soon as I sign off, I am going to: write my thank you notes, do laundry, and start taking photos of stuff to list on eBay.