Brr, winter arrived. Which is nice in a way as it makes it feel all Christmasy, but as usual the ‘facts is cold. I was struck yesterday about how far away people are right now, normally I see my friends a fair amount, but lately I seemed to be not going out and wanting to stay inside. I feel that needs to change, I need to make more of an effort, though, most likely after the New Year, as everyone is busy right now, including me.
Though last night was exciting as I made Fruit Cake. Wow, as all I can say, it smells like rum and brandy, and today it gets taken to work. Hopefully it shall be eaten and I can make the next one tonight or tomorrow night, as I still need to make meringues and ginger and molasses cookies.
For some reason though, my back is aching like crazy, not sore just a dull ache. I feel like I must have done something wrong, but cannot figure out what. It is most disconcerting.