I came home from work last night feeling terrible, all shaky, dizzy and achey, I was dreading getting sick. Everyone I know seems to have had: the flu, a cold, a sinus infection or just a really bad combo. So I ate toast and soup and went straight to bed. I woke way to early (5 am), but now at 9ish, I am starting to feel better. Some days I really hate dealing with grubby money, I can feel the germs climbing up my arm.
So as a PSA please when shopping:
- Do not put CD in your mouth.
- Do not wipe your nose with the back of your hand then hand me money or c/c in same hand.
- Do not lick the glass of the counters.
- Do not stick money in your: shoe, bra, waist-band of underwear…
- Do not cough/sneeze on your hand and hand me money with that hand.
- Do not hand me your empty drinks, food wrappers, snotty tissues, there is a trash can.
- Do not tell me how sick you are, how awful you feel and breathe on me!
- Do not leave your dirty band-aids on the counter or your dirty snotty bloody tissues.
- Do not chew your fingers/nails or suck said appendages then hand me something with them.
- Do not lick the records.
- Do not ever ever let your child suck a CD and then try give it back, I will drop it in horror.
- Do not ask me if I have tissue or kleenex to hand you as snot drips out your nose, just leave.
Thank you.
And yes all these things have happened more than once…