Surprisingly it is after 12 already on a Sunday night, normally I am in bed by this time, but this evening has been filled with activity. First up was Your Dekalb Farmers Market after work, then Whole Foods for the few items I could not get at the Farmers Market. Home to unpack groceries, grill portabello mushrooms, top with goat cheese… yummy. Then I started prepping to cook White Bean Soup with Chili Paste tomorrow night, i.e. soak beans and chilies. Then cut up/prep strawberries, cantaloupe and grapes for a few days worth of breakfast, the only thing I did not do was de-seed the pomegranate.
This last week has been all a blur, I have had a terrible cold, lost my voice, took multiple days off work, had a fairly successful yard sale, and slept a whole bunch. Still planning on have another yard sale in November as there is still so much stuff left from the old store, just tons and tons of jewelry, and stuff!
My cold though is finally clearing up, my ears are unblocked and not screaming at me in pain, I can breathe without blowing my nose every twenty minutes, and my cats are happy I spent so many days at home.
I am craving to go pick pumpkins after seeing Lorigami‘s pictures today, who wants to go next Friday or Saturday with me?