So yesterday I braved the heat and my fears of being ripped off and got 4 new tires for my car. It was ok, not as terrible as I thought and my car is so much easier to drive. Plus it really reduced my stress level not worrying if I had to put air in, or was going to blow a tire. My car now goes without shaking!! Woo Hoo.
Plus while I was away I got my Dragon*Con registration card, so that made me happy too, now just what to wear.
It is odd being home after such a nice holiday, I miss things about England, things I had forgotten, mainly how close all the shops are in the city centers, so little driving involved once you are in the main area. Atlanta is a little to spread out at times. I also miss all the yoghurts I did not get to try and the Gu’s, click on the puds link… terrible website though.
The great thing about being home though is my kitties, who were not brushed while I was away – and Pandi-Cat had dreads! So I have spent the last 4 nights brushing them and now they are smooth and soft kitties, who are dread lock free. Also I had to steam the carpet as they yakked all over while I was away – but fine the day I got back, damn cats!