It has been a busy week for me, filled with rushing about and not enough time. I managed two sessions at the gym, and feel pretty good, but nothing to strenuous, and all very careful, and sad to say I am unfit. I also met my Dad’s third wife and my sister out for drinks and dinner at Eclipse De Sol, I really like that place and it was great to see Robin, and Charlotte. Charlotte has put an offer on a house and looks like her and Mike are going to be HomeOwners! Tuesday I was going to go see Akron Family at The EARL, but I did not make it, hmmm I have forgotten why.
But, Friday I spent most of the day sorting out my house a little, and photographing stuff to get rid of on My Ebay, Live Journal and Craigslist (I have a 17″ monitor, and a hp color copier up.) I am slowly listing things, but I have managed to get rid of a pair of computer speakers and a printer. I will be listing a pair of New Rock boots and more clothes – anndr0id if you are interested in the boots still, call me.
Saturday was more of the same, and waiting on the plumber, who did not come, though mdaniel did put in a ceiling fan for me, and fix my fan in my room!
Today is my fifth day without added sugar in my diet, it has not been as hard as last time, but I still allow myself bread, just no other items with sugar: coffee, hot chocolate, dessert, pastries, yoghurt, etc. I actually feel pretty good about it, though once again I am an ingredient fiend.
This coming week looks just as busy. I am going to San Francisco for the weekend with mdaniel and plan on record shopping (I hope.)